Dermal Fillers

Very few people have perfect skin; even if you are lucky enough to have great skin naturally, ageingaffects all of us in the end. Dermal fillers are popular treatments for wrinkles and facial lines as wellas those looking to enhance their lips or cheeks.

Dermal Fillers

For this Condition

Dermal fillers can help:

• Nose to mouth grooves.

• Mouth to chin lines.

• Forehead lines.

• Frown furrows.

• Lipstick lines.

• Acne pits.

• Crow’s feet.

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are non-surgical cosmetic treatments used to bring a more youthful appearance by restoring volume or fullness to the face and lips. They work by reducing or eliminating lines, wrinkles and folds in the skin and the effect is seen immediately after treatment. As skin ages, both naturally and because of other factors such as sun damage, smoking and poor diet, we lose collagen, fat, and other natural moisturising substances from our skin. These can be thought of as the natural ‘scaffolding’ that keeps it looking young and feeling firm. With less of these, our skin becomes thinner and we start to see lines, wrinkles and folds developing. This is usually more noticeable on our faces.

Put simply, dermal fillers are used to restore that lost volume in the face by plumping out lines, wrinkles, and folds.

The filler treatments used at ReWonder are based on Hyaluronic Acid (HA) derived products and include popular brands such as Restylane, Juvederm Belotero and Teosyal, and normally last for around 6-12 months depending upon the site, application, and the formulation of the material used. Sometimes injectable fillers based on calcium microspheres such as Radiesse® or poly-L-lactic acid such as Sculptra®, which tend to be longer lasting, may be considered depending on the desired results and individual needs .

Hyaluronic acid (HA)

Hyaluronic acid is found naturally throughout our bodies, in our skin, bones, joints, and eyes. It acts as a lubricant and moisturiser due to its ability to attract and store water. Hyaluronic acid is clinically produced, usually from bacterial, not animal or human, sources. Fillers made from hyaluronic acid have been developed in varying densities and viscosities and the type of hyaluronic filler used is dependent on the individual needs of patients as well as the area being treated e.g. Juvederm Voluma, Juvederm 4, Restylane Volyme and Belotero Volume Plus are suitable for volumising the cheek areas, whereas Juvederm Ultra Smile, Juvederm 3 and Restylane Kysse are indicated for use in the lips and perioral area. Restylane Perlane is indicated for deep lines in the nose to mouth area as are Teosyal Deep Lines, Belotero Intense and Juvederm 3.


Who will dermal fillers benefit?

Dermal fillers are great for treating the following: nasolabial lines (between the nose and mouth), marionette lines (the so-called ‘smile lines’ in the corners of the mouth), depressions and blemishes (such as acne scars), hollow or sunken cheeks (caused by fat atrophy due to the ageing process), correcting indentations, tips, bumps and unevenness in the nose and chin, and improving contours of the jaw. Dermal fillers can also be used to enhance your lips or the cheek and jowl areas. Call me to arrange your free consultation and find out which dermal filler will be best for your specific needs.

How are dermal fillers administered?

The area to be treated will be numbed using a topical cream anaesthetic. Once this has taken effect, the area to be treated will be injected with the most suitable form of dermal filler to give the best results.

How long will it take to administer dermal fillers?

Depending on the area treated, approximately 30-45 minutes.

What results can I expect from dermal fillers?

The results will be immediate. Your skin will be smoother and younger looking. Once any swelling and/or bruising has subsided, the results will be subtle and pleasing.

How long is the recovery period from dermal fillers?

There is no recovery period necessary when you undergo dermal fillers.

Are there any after effects from dermal fillers?

With dermal fillers there can be redness, swelling and bruising which is normal and will subside. Our highly trained and experienced nurse can discuss any concerns you have before undergoing the treatment.

Can I combine other treatments with dermal fillers?

Many of our clients combine dermal fillers with wrinkle relaxing treatments and skin peels for an overall younger looking skin and rejuvenated appearance.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Call the clinic now on 01484 423023

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